Attaining Yoga or Union:

Attaining Yoga or Union:
Yoga or "Union" is attained by first training, balancing, and purifying each of the aspects of our being individually, and then systematically receding attention inward through those levels, expanding so as to experience the state of Union, Yoga, Samadhi, or Turiya.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Anatomical photos to aid in diaphragmatic breathing

The Diaphragmatic Breathing article on the website has
been revised to include several anatomical photos that help to
precisely show the location of the diaphragm. Seeing precisely where the diaphragm is located can be a big help with diaphragmatic breathing. To see the photos, click on the link in the title above.

Happy breathing,

Swami J

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

About the website


The goal of this website is to present the ancient Self-Realization path of the Tradition of the Himalayan masters in simple, understandable and beneficial ways, while not compromising quality or depth. The practices include yoga meditation of the Yoga Sutras, contemplation of Advaita Vedanta, and purely internal kundalini-shakti practices of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra. These teachings of the sages of the Himalayas systematically lead one to the highest Realization of the center of consciousness.

Most of the articles on this site came as a result of questions from people asking me for simple, straightforward, practical explanations about principles and practices of meditation. When the site was originally quite "empty" of articles, some question would come, and this would lead to writing an article or creating a graphic image to try to clarify that point.

While simple explanations seem to sometimes grow into something more complicated, it is hoped that the articles here are presented in easy to understand language. This is said with a smile, as I truly find it humorous that such simple principles take so very many words, and that we end up with the appearance of complexity. All we can do is cry, get frustrated, or laugh, and the laughter seems to be the more useful path.

You will notice a common pattern among many of the articles, and that is to describe the universal inner process, which is systematic in nature. From outer to inner, through the levels and layers of our being, attention moves to the subtler and subtler aspects, finally leading the seeker to the pure, eternal center of consciousness, by whatever name you choose to call that center. Many of the articles describe this same process using different language and metaphors, with each adding a slightly different perspective that might make that underlying process more clear.

It is my sincere belief and experience that these principles and practices are universal, non-religious and non-sectarian. Admittedly, not all people agree with this. However, this is the stance from which I share, and say unequivocally that these principles and practices are applicable and useful to all people. This is not to say that all cultures and religions are one and the same. If anyone does want to convert to some other religion, they will have to go elsewhere. Not only do I not do this, I do not even know how to do this, as I do not know the conversion rituals, rites or vows of any of the religions.

I do not claim ownership over any of the principles or practices described here, although the wording itself falls under the domain of copyright laws*. There is no intent or desire whatsoever to profess or proffer any Swami Jnaneshvara system of Yoga. We already have far too much of that in our modern world. These ancient teachings are universal and available to the whole of humanity. It is only by the gift of my teacher and tradition that direct experience has been there sufficiently that I was instructed to share with others. It is from that, that these principles and practices are shared.

The relationship between student and teacher is a very personal one that is best done in face-to-face contact. I hope you glean much personally useful information from the articles on this website, but they are not meant to replace such personal contact. I wish for you to find the teacher who is just right for you. However, there is no intent here to establish student-teacher relationships via internet. Some others may do that, but I do not personally find this to be realistic. Simple questions of a general informational nature can be responded to by email, but I refrain from giving direct personal instructions through the medium of internet. Ultimately, the goal of even the external teacher is to lead the student to find the teacher within. May you find that teacher.

The articles on the site are continuously being expanded and edited for ever increasing clarity. If you print out any of the articles or save them into your computer, please do remember to revisit from time to time to check for revisions.

Above all, it is hoped that one thing is abundantly clear in these articles, and that is that the keys to direct experience of your own center of consciousness, by whatever name you choose to call that, are to practice, practice, practice. Please enjoy your visit to, and come back often.

In loving service,

Swami J

Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati